Every month I like to run a fun series. Every Monday I post a new blog entry in the featured series. Last month, I featured the "Super Resource List Series" which included a current look at my personal bookmarks for Crafty BlogsOther Blog StuffTwitter Resources, and Misc Resources. If you missed last month's series, you missed out on some great resources! Don't worry though, you can follow the links above and get in the loop :)

This month my feature series is called "My Artist Studio Series: A Closer Look at Where I Work". I really hope other people share their work spaces too because I love to see where other people get creative. BTW, Flickr has some great artsy workspaces.

Last week I showed you some of the goodies by my wooden work table. This week (the final post of this series), I'm featuring my drafting table. Yes, it's a drafting table that I don't do any "drafting" on hehe.

Above is a close up of the things on top of the "drafting" table. 

Above are some fun jars that I picked up at the Dollar Store. I plan to sort out my paper craft embellishments into by seasonal theme (Christmas, Halloween, etc).


I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at where I work this month!
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