I haven't posted a studio update in a while so I thought I would share a few pictures of my creations "in progress" for the Bazaar of the Bizarre.
You may notice that these pictures aren't actually taken in my studio, but rather our kitchen table! I have so many projects on the go right now my creations have spilled out into the rest of the house!
I'm not going to say too much able the pictures below because they are more of a "sneak peek" at what I'll have a the show (nope, you can't get these goodies online this year!).

The picture above isn't something I'm cooking up for the bazaar, oh no, these are cookies were baked because I needed energy to keep me creating! What could be more fitting than Halloween sugar cookies while getting ready for the Bazaar of the Bizarre? lol. I love sugar cookies and I love Halloween so these are pretty close to my idea of heaven haha ;)