(Sing along if you'd like)
It's just another manic monday.
I wish it was Sunday.
Cus that's my fun day.... my I don't have to run day.
Now that we've got that out of the way...
Another week has started and I already feel like I need another weekend. I was exhausted all weekend but had to push myself to prep for the Halloween craft show I'm participating in on Sunday. I made 11 of these Halloween pop up cards, packaged and priced all my halloween cards, and dug out my "craft show bin". This week I have to make new signs for the craft show, package and price my candles, and attempt to stay sane a pass a stats exam on Thursday morning. It's going to be a busy week with an even busier weekend to follow.
After the craft show this weekend I'll be packing up all my Halloween craft supplies until next summer. I've created a number of Christmas pieces already but I need a clean, organized space to make more :) I can't wait until my workspace looks like this again:

See more pictures of my workspace in this flickr set. You'll see what it looks like right now - which is just plain scared LOL.
I love your desk and chair!