This the first "Freaky Friday Feature" on my blog! Every Friday from now on I will have a new "Freaky Feature".  If you have any suggestions for the "Freaky Friday Feature" don't be shy and leave a comment on any of the "Freaky Friday Feature" blog posts. You never know, I might just use your suggestion ;) 

This weeks feature is Stacey Jean's Macabre Sock Monkey! Isn't Macabre the cutest little creep you ever saw? I hope to get my hands on my own Macabre from Stacey Jean soon :) If you already have one of these rocking critters send me pictures of your Macabre and get creative! If I get enough responses I'll feature a blog post of the Macabre clan! I'll even have a prize for the most creative!  

1 Response
  1. Ha! I won this little guy from a contest she did on Twitter. Can't wait for him to show up.
    So, I'm Kris and I run Laughing Vixen Lounge on Etsy. Would love to be part of a Freaky Friday Feature. My shop has lots of different stuff that could fall under that title. Lots of glass pendants with Dracula, Bride of Frankenstien, True Blood, Vintage Pulp Novels, and so many more. Charm Bracelets in some of the same styles with more coming soon.
    So if you have a moment come over and take a look and see if anything strikes your fance.


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